Saturday, August 17, 2024 Cathay Pacific’s July 2024 performance saw 2 million passengers, a 15.1% rise, with a 16.1% RPK growth, despite a 3.

8% load factor dip, and strong cargo handling. Cathay Pacific reported a notable performance in July 2024, carrying 2,008,225 passengers, marking a 15.1% rise from July 2023.

The airline’s revenue passenger kilometers (RPKs) grew by 16.1% year-on-year. Despite this growth, the passenger load factor saw a slight dip of 3.

8 percentage points, landing at 85.5%. Available seat kilometers (ASKs) also showed a significant increase of 21.

2% compared to the previous year. Over the first seven months of 2024, the total number of passengers carried surged by 32.5% to 12,667,826, with ASKs up by 39% and RPKs by 31.

6% when compared to the same period in 2023. In terms of cargo, Cathay Pacific handled 126,797 tonnes in July 2024, reflecting a 9.6% increase over July 2023.

However, the month’s cargo revenue tonne kilometers (RFTKs) saw a slight decline of 0.5% year-on-year. The cargo load factor dropped by 1.

5 percentage points to 58.3%, while available cargo tonne kilometers (AFTKs) rose by 2.1%.

For the first seven months of 2024, the total tonnage increased by 10.3% to 846,261 tonnes, with AFTKs up by 9.9% and RFTKs increasing by 3.

8%, compared to the same period in 2023. Lavinia Lau, Chief Customer and Commercial Officer at Cathay Pacific, highlighted July 2024 as a significant milestone for the airline, marking the start of the traditional.