As Unitech developers promise to deliver projects that have been delayed for over 15 years in the next 15-18 months, a look at how middle class home buyers, continue to be gullible victims in the hands of real estate mafia. Their "dream home" remains elusive, EMI continues to pile up, rent spirals, cost of living goes out of bounds, the vicious circle continues. Is there a way out of this maze? Until we get proper regulations in place, buying a home in India and enjoying it, seems like two different realities.

New Delhi: Yes, Realty does Bite and it leaves a scar too...

If you are among those who have invested in property around Delhi NCR, you would know what the catchphrase means (and boy, does it hurt!). Playing devil’s advocate, one would argue that property buying anywhere in India is nothing short of an ordeal. However, as far as the biggest real estate market of the country is concerned, property buying in Delhi is akin to playing Tom and Jerry with scandalous property dealers on the one hand and corrupt authority officers on the other.

If you are lucky, your dream home will see light of the day...

if you are not, it stays a nightmare for a really long time, we mean really long! If there is one segment who is unbothered by this property chaos, and are regaling about their nexus, it is the developers. Recently, on September 16, there were reports of Unitech hosting a “groundbreaking ceremony” for their delayed projects in Noida. They even promised delivery in less .