Carol Kirkwood has opened up about her new career adventure as she made a candid confession on The One Show on Tuesday (24 July). The weather expert appeared on the programme to share her new book with the world, Once Upon A Time In Venice Not wanting to give too much away about the publication, the meteorologist scooted around the finer details as she dropped hints about what could be expected. Carol highlighted the fact of Venice being renowned as a popular romance spot while subtly alluding to unknown ongoing events in the shadows and alleyways.

Speaking to hosts Alex Scott and Anita Rani, the BBC star who is bringing out her third novel said: "Oh my goodness Anita, I love Venice first of all. "It has everything, it's romantic, Casanova lives there, it's got history, it's got art, it's got culture, it's got little alleyways as well when you walk down you can get lost in." Sharing perhaps a little of what readers could expect from her latest digest, she hinted: "There's no street lighting, so it's great for hiding secrets that kind of thing," as the TV star looked around at her co-stars with a glint in her eye.

She added: "There's also the Cipriani hotel in Venice and I've based the hotel in my book The White Palace hotel, five star luxury on that a little bit." The Scottish TV star's third publication is out now and available to purchase on Amazon, for beloved fans hoping to grab a copy. Meanwhile talk soon turned to Carol’s love life, with Alex asking: "Your real life C.