Artist Becky Louise recalls the conversation which led to an upcoming exhibition of "raw, honest, inspiring" paintings of her partner Nat, who passed away after an 18-month cancer journey. or signup to continue reading The exhibition, to be held at Hazelhurst Cottage on October 18, will not only chronicle that journey, it will also provide a platform for exploring the needs of carers. "Nat was lying there one day when she said, 'I want you to record this journey, because I know it's going to be complex'," Becky said.

"I said, 'yeah, okay', and she said, 'I want you to draw it. I want you to be able to draw what you truly see because what people think cancer is, is not what they're seeing'. "She said, 'I know your drawings are raw, true, happy, fun, colourful, and they will be able to show my pain and your pain'.

" The exhibition of more than 40 paintings, titled Rolling the Dice with Cancer, has been organised by Southern Cancer Care in partnership with the Michael Tynan Challenge, Hazelhurst and Sutherland Shire Council. Southern Cancer Care Centre, which grew out of the Prostate Cancer Care Institute, is a not-for-profit organisation advocating and fund-raising for projects inspired by cancer care centres in St George and Sutherland Shire. Tynan Motors' involvement continues the legacy of pioneering motor industry giant Michael Tynan, whose family accompanied him on his cancer journey.

The invitation says, ""Becky's images are raw, honest and will inspire this discussion wit.