Cardi B. Image: X/@iamcardib Cardi B suffered from a “freak accident” that left her paralyzed for days and almost caused her to lose the baby in her womb . “I had a f***ing freak accident.

I don’t know how something, well, it wasn’t little. It actually hurt,” the rapper shared as she spoke about being homebound via her X Spaces on Thursday, Aug. 8.

“It doesn’t really happen often, but it became something that is so big to the point I was literally paralyzed,” she added. “And that little thing almost cost me my little one to come. But it didn’t.

” Cardi B detailed that she slipped and had a bad fall while going down the stairs. “I felt a weird jerk, like a pop, and I couldn’t get up really.” “I noticed that I couldn’t really walk, like I was feeling pain in my, I don’t know, in the lower of my stomach,” she stated.

“Just moving my feet was hurting the bottom of my stomach. I couldn’t move. I felt like paralyzed.

” Cardi B then decided to go to the hospital after she woke up and felt completely unable to move her bottom. At the hospital, the rapper was then informed that she tore a ligament in her pelvis where “the baby’s head is at.” “I dilated and I was having contractions for every two minutes for a whole 24 hours,” she recalled.

“So they had to monitor me and I was in a lot of pain. I couldn’t move for two days straight.” The rapper said she is now on bed rest and has to undergo therapy.

Cardi B earlier revealed bein.