As the highly anticipated third season of premieres on August 15, audiences are in for a treat as the beloved characters of Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv—portrayed by Adrian Holmes and , respectively—take center stage. The first episode kicks off with a bang, showcasing a stunning ESSENCE photoshoot that captures the couple as the epitome of Black excellence. In the premiere, the two are portrayed as a power couple who seem to have it all: thriving careers, a strong marriage, and a harmonious family life.

But as the season unfolds, viewers will see that even the most picture-perfect couples face challenges, and it’s their love and resilience that will help them navigate the peaks and valleys of marriage. “This show does a great job of sparking conversation and dealing with a lot of issues that can be seen as taboo,” Holmes says. “We just want to put an end to that and just be like a blueprint for our community so that we can watch and we can learn.

can be a mentor for people to watch and learn and take back to their families and share what they’ve experienced from the series.” This season, viewers will see a positive representation of Black love and the strength it takes to overcome obstacles in both personal and professional lives. The show continues to build on its growing popularity by promoting a positive family dynamic that resonates with viewers from all walks of life.

In this exclusive interview, Holmes and Freeman open up about the rising popularity of the s.