A settlement agreement signed by Middlesex Centre’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) has ended a property severance dispute between the rural municipality and Farhi Farm Corporation before an appeal had its first meeting in front of the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). “I don't know how we got here?” said neighbour Sheila Wilson to Middlesex Centre Council on Wednesday evening. Wilson was perplexed why a decision by council in December not to sever an agricultural property was reversed by an agreement signed by CAO Michael Di Lullo.

On December 20, 2023, council denied an application by Farhi Farm Corporation to sever a residential home and driveway from adjacent farmland near Ilderton because it did not comply with the Provincial Policy Statement nor the Official Plan, and “it would further exacerbate the potential loss of prime agricultural lands.” Farhi Farm Corporation subsequently appealed council’s decision to the OLT. On May 3, 2024, Di Lullo signed a settlement with Farhi, on behalf of Middlesex Centre, to formally requesting the OLT agree to the appeal based on an agreement that no residential structures be constructed on the remaining parcel of farmland and utility requirements for the home be constrained to the severed parcel.

Map showing residential property (red) severed from agricultural property (yellow) near Ilderton (Source: Municipality of Middlesex Centre) So, the OLT changed a case management meeting on May 5, into a settlement meeting. A plannin.