I’m on a road trip with my dad and dog Maggie from the Midwest to visit my sister in Lewisburg, PA. In addition to reuniting Maggie with her brother Louie, I used this opportunity to canvass for the first time. I registered first at VoteSaveAmerica , which directed me to weeknight canvass events held by the Union County Democrats in downtown Lewisburg.

There I met a volunteer (Lisa - who has incredibly moved to the area for the duration of the election from out west) who gave me no-nonsense advice on what was needed. Knock on doors of potentially ‘gettable’ voters, find out who they plan to support, how/when they plan to vote and, if possible, do some persuasion. They gave me an app to download which provides an interactive map showing homes with names, ages and past/known political affiliations of these individuals, identified based on spotty voting histories and/or being registered as independents or green party.

My assignment was in Mifflinburg which is just a short drive west but has been politically worlds away, as Lewisburg is a university town (Bucknell) while Mifflinburg is what might be described as rural small town. According to a detailed NYT map for the 2020 election Lewisburg went for Biden over Trump by 978/290 votes (77% Biden) while Mifflinburg was basically reversed at 518/1313 (28% Biden). That said, I did see about an equal amount of Harris/Trump signs on the way to and in the town of Mifflinburg.

Over the last two days, I knocked on 45 doors and got .