A LUXURY Cantonese restaurant in the heart of the city is set to tantalise taste buds with a new menu. At Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur’s Shang Palace, renowned for its culinary artistry blending tradition and innovation, the restaurant’s executive Chinese chef Terence Foong and his team are experimenting with intriguing combinations of flavours. A starter that may be included in their upcoming menu features a playful juxtaposition of textures and tastes: squid black skin shrimp dumpling crowned with foie gras paired with a deep-fried shrimp roll infused with chive.

Peony-themed hexagon boxes make beautiful gifts for the mooncake festival. Next is double-boiled superior black chicken soup, its richness tempered by coconut and elevated by sun-dried scallops, bamboo pith and matsutake mushrooms. Served piping hot in a coconut, it is a harmonious blend of flavours.

The baked cod fish with Mongolian sauce is a standout and one of my favourites, with the sweet and spicy sauce complementing the fish. Steamed Indonesian mini lobster with vermicelli and golden garlic seasoned with soy sauce. A refreshing combination of sauteed asparagus, lily bulbs and osmanthus offers a delightful contrast.

Another favourite – Steamed Indonesian mini lobster with vermicelli simply seasoned with soy sauce and golden garlic, showcases the crustacean’s natural sweetness. The fried rice with assorted seafood and truffle sauce provides a satisfying finish to the meal. Two bite-size snacks comprising de.