Saturday, August 24, 2024 The Canola Council of Canada (CCC), Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA), and Canadian Oilseed Processors Association (COPA) are expressing strong support for the federal government’s decision to invoke section 107 of the Canada Labour Code. This move mandates CN, CPKC, and the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference to enter final binding arbitration, ensuring the continuation of rail services and extending current agreements until new contracts are finalized. These industry bodies, alongside other stakeholders within the grains sector, have been advocating for proactive government intervention to avoid a potential work stoppage.

The #StopTheStrike campaign has been instrumental in highlighting the significant economic repercussions that a rail disruption would have on the canola industry and the broader grains sector. The Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) is now urged to act swiftly to implement the ministerial order. With the harvest season underway, the timely resumption of operations on Canada’s Class I railways is crucial.

Farmers need reliable rail services to transport their crops, making it essential for rail operations to resume without delay. While the government’s intervention is seen as a positive step, industry leaders stress that the situation could have been avoided. Moving forward, they call for a collaborative effort from the government and all political parties to establish long-term solutions that prevent similar disru.