fans are skeptical over podcaster recent after her latest questionable social media activity. Last week, Brooke on her podcast as she profusely apologized for the racist posts she shared as a teenager on social media, that have recently recirculated. The various discriminatory tweets were shared between 2012 to 2015, one of which defended George Zimmerman over the killing of Trayvon Martin.

And while Brooke has issued multiple groveling apologies for her behavior, which she herself has branded as "disgusting," some fans are questioning the sincerity behind her words after her recent social media activity. In a newly-posted , many fans agree that her racist posts were inexcusable, with many also calling attention to her recent online activity just after the scandal broke. After Brooke's apology, fans noticed that the 27-year-old podcaster liked a Make America Great Again post on Instagram seemingly showing her support for .

This comes as Brooke previously drawing criticism to her less-than progressive family and claimed that her ideologies have greatly changed since she moved out of her family's home. But after fans caught wind of where her current political support seems to lie, many claimed that they could no longer support her or the Cancelled podcast. In a Reddit thread, one critic wrote: "At this point I’d rather her just say it with her f-----g chest.

Out yourself for who you truly are so we know you haven’t changed and grown and can decide to support or not because .