In a unique study conducted jointly by the University of Glasgow and the Tel Aviv University, it has been discovered that a parasite found in cat faeces could be used for effectively treating neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons'. The mutated version of the parasite called Toxoplasma gondi apparently directs the protein required for treatment to the brain. Neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons' and Rett Syndrome are related to some kind of protein malfunctioning.

It is extremely complex to fight these diseases at its origin. Moreover, it is quite challenging to supply the medicines including the targeted protein correctly to the spots inside the neurons. Toxoplasma gondi is a parasite that has achieved the ability even to penetrate complex genetic substances like the placenta.

The researchers were curious to know whether this ability of the parasite could be used to transport medicines to the brain suffering from neurological conditions. This study is assumed to be a milestone in the field of neurology. Meanwhile, the study was published in the Nature Microbiology Journal.
