Contrary to popular belief, the face ends at the chest. In other words, don’t forget to take care of your neck the way you do your canvas. More than holding up our head (the average adult head weighs ), “the neck facilitates movement, breathing, chewing and laughing, which over time affects the quality of the skin,” esthetician, and founder of tells ESSENCE.

“Repetitive movement will eventually lead to loss of tone and the skin will show more fine lines and wrinkles.” Here, Ayodele explains how to reverse the signs of aging on your neck––and the best neck care routine to support your skin. Although anti-aging is all the buzz in the beauty industry, the neck and décolletage is often left out of the conversation.

“So many people forget the neck is an extension of their face,” Ayodele says, reduced to an afterthought in targeted skincare routines––big mistake. Neck wrinkles tend to appear faster than on the face. “The skin on the neck is naturally thinner with less collagen, elastin and oil glands,” she says.

“This degradation can show up quite fast––faster than the face.” “The early signs of neck aging are related to how the neck muscles weaken over time, causing vertical and horizontal lines to appear more prominently and deeply etched,” she says. “They can also be darker than surrounding skin.

” “Muscle loss also means textural skin changes, development of jowls (sometimes unkindly called “turkey neck”) and weaker jawline defin.