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com . Want to purchase today’s print edition? Here’s a map of single-copy locations. Sign up for our daily newsletter here Every week, higher-ed beat writer Luke Taylor will go one-on-one with a faculty member on the University of Illinois campus.

Today’s expert: JEFFERY MONDAK, chair of the Department of Political Science. His research interests include personality and political behavior, as well as fact-opinion differentiation. There are a few prominent models of personality trait structure used in academic research.

In political science, the Big Five model — openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism — is the most widely used. Some of the most consistent findings include links to ideology and political participation. People with higher values on openness and lower values on conscientiousness have a higher likelihood of being ideologically liberal, whereas people lower in openness and higher in conscientiousness tend to be conservative.

Regarding political participation, extraversion is related to more social forms of behavior, such as working on campaigns and talking with other people about politics. Openness is related to information acquisition — monitoring the news, maintaining interest in politics, knowing more about politics. In addition to research on politics and personali.