Wednesday, August 7, 2024 Cambodia experienced a robust revival in its outbound tourism sector, signaling a strong recovery from the pandemic’s impact. Cambodian passport holders now enjoy the freedom to travel to 53 destinations visa free as of August 2024, expanding their horizons like never before. With a growing interest in diverse cultures and new adventures, Cambodians are exploring top destinations such as Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, China, and Singapore.

Major airports and key airlines have played crucial roles in facilitating this surge in travel, while luxurious accommodations continue to enhance the overall experience for travelers. TTW Editor Mr. Anup Kumar Keshan says: “As of August 2024, Cambodian passport holders can explore 53 destinations visa-free, significantly broadening their travel opportunities.

This newfound freedom allows them to experience a diverse array of cultures and landscapes with unprecedented ease, making international travel more accessible and appealing. This change marks a significant milestone for Cambodian travelers, enabling them to venture into new territories and embrace global experiences like never before.” In 2023, Cambodia saw a substantial recovery in its outbound tourism, with 1,819,504 citizens traveling abroad.

This marked an impressive 87.5% rise from 2022. This surge indicates a strong rebound from the pandemic, which had severely impacted travel numbers in earlier years.

Additionally, international departures reached.