If you've ever groaned at the download needed to begin working through any Call of Duty achievements , then you're in luck, as Activision has detailed its plans to decrease the Call of Duty download sizes and the space which existing files take up, its methods of "optimizing" how you interact with your Call of Duty library, and more. On top of this, to thank players for bearing with the process, Activision will be handing out free in-game consumables. Activision will be "optimizing the way players interact with and access their Call of Duty library" "As we look ahead to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, we’ve been working on ways to improve the Call of Duty experience by optimizing menu navigation and offering smaller and more customized downloads, plus other benefits for your Call of Duty library," the Call of Duty team says .

"We’ve heard your feedback, and along with our own testing and learnings, have worked to optimize the way players access and download Call of Duty. This begins by revamping the experience formerly known as Call of Duty HQ." The plan is for there to be a more "streamlined interface," reduced file sizes, "more control over your downloads," and "direct access to games.

" So, to fight big downloads, Call of Duty first needs a big download. After these larger updates, however, future downloads "will decrease in size and existing files will take up less space on your device," and Activision says Black Ops 6 will end up as a smaller download than Modern Warfare 3.