An emergency regulation prohibiting intoxicating hemp products in California went into effect on Monday, less than three weeks after the temporary ban was proposed by Gov. Gavin Newsom. The new rule bans consumable hemp products with any detectable amount of THC, the compound primarily responsible for the psychoactive effects of marijuana, or other intoxicating substances including delta-8 THC.

California's ban on hemp products with any amount of THC applies to many CBD products used by ...

[+] Californians every day. Newsom first proposed the ban on intoxicating hemp products on September 6 after it was drafted by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). The emergency regulations were approved by the Office of Administrative Law on Monday afternoon and went into effect immediately, online news source SFGate reported .

“We will not sit on our hands as drug peddlers target our children with dangerous and unregulated hemp products containing THC at our retail stores,” Newsom said when he unveiled the emergency regulations. “We’re taking action to close loopholes and increase enforcement to prevent children from accessing these dangerous hemp and cannabis products.” The emergency rule was issued after legislation to regulate intoxicating hemp products, AB 2223 , failed to gain the approval of California lawmakers earlier this year.

That bill expanded on legislation passed in 2021, AB 45, that required hemp companies to register with the government and mandate.