We all have experienced nudging to write a “word of thanks” or one which carries encouragement. That happened to me recently after reading the article in Today’s News-Herald that featured Jean Bishop’s reflections after 30 years of public service. There was a lot on my plate that day, yet the article seemed to warrant taking time to thank this woman who has helped so many through her career as a Mohave County Supervisor.

After a little push to clear my desk saw me putting words to paper. What surprised me was Jean Bishop’s immediate response saying she was moved emotionally by my note. She spoke of having shared it on her social media page.

Jean called saying, “I took the liberty to put your letter on my Facebook page. I hope you are okay with that.” I said, “Sure, no problem”--then asked Jean how she would feel about this interaction being shared with others.

She responded, “Please do as I was deeply touched by your message.” Based on Jean’s “Okay,” here is my note to her: Dear Jean Bishop, today, you need flowers and beautiful cards. I hope and pray these come to you.

It sounds like your retirement will be great. Please be well--and “go for the gusto!” I want to also thank you for being honest in the article of July 31. It allows me to know pain and ingratitude came your way.

I am sorry for that. People are afraid these days. This is probably truer now than ever.

And anger, along with hurt, are present for many people, in varying degrees, whi.