SMPL New Delhi [India], August 20: UK Investors Summit round table, organised by 193 countries consortium (193CC) media company and Professional & Corporate Membership organisation, based in London, supporting business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, and leadership, in the United Kingdom successfully concluded at the Home Room of House of Lords, UK Parliament on 19 July 2024. 193CC is a Collaborative Business Partner Platform Where Enterprises from various countries stand together for their international growth. Partner with us, become Partners of our Partners is the slogan of 193CC.

Lord Daniel Brennan, KC, member of the House of Lords was the Chief Guest of the Event. Imtiaz Hussain, Managing Director, & Head of Middle East Alexa Capital & Investment Banker was the Guest of Honour and Aashin U S, Serial Entrepreneur and Investor was the Program Director. 21 Projects Launched their Logos & Products in the UK Parliament which is Hosted by Jonathan Ian Waterman and Aashin U S.

Imtiaz Hussain discussed Startup Investment schemes by government and capital regulations such as FCA licence, for the smooth fundraising for innovative projects. Aashin U S, a serial entrepreneur and investor, began his journey in his early 20s by founding an Entrepreneurship Support Platform, and Program Director to Leading Indian Actor Late Mr Innocent, in Kochi, India. He later established an education project that trained 20,000+ professionals in health and safety, expanding his business a.