Burglars broke into a 1,300-year-old church and stole £90,000 worth of religious items. Thieves stole silver treasures including a processional cross, two verges and a bishop’s crook during a night-time raid on on Tuesday. They also caused considerable damage to the wooden Saxon door to gain entry and cut a wire to a light.

There were no witnesses or CCTV footage, with police launching an investigation into the raid. The Rev Martin Lee condemned the burglars, telling The Telegraph: “The abbey is part of our history and our heritage. A lot of people are very angry and upset about this.

It is a desecration of the abbey as well as the wider community.” The rector added that the criminals must have broken into the abbey between 9pm and 1am. “This is an extremely sad day for the abbey and indeed for our community,” Rev Lee continued.

“We are deeply shocked by this crime and now must work hard to deal with the consequences and support all those in our community who are affected by this act of desecration to our beautiful abbey.” A spokesman for the diocese said: “We are deeply saddened to hear of the theft at Sherborne Abbey and the damage that has been incurred on one of the most significant and beautiful churches in the diocese and wider Church of England. “Such actions are deeply upsetting for the community, who have lost items of value to both the town and the abbey.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the community at this distressing time.” PCSO Mark Jon.