The activation of a new traffic signal at Audubon and Del Mar avenues in northwest Fresno will enhance neighborhood safety and improve access to the San Joaquin River Parkway, city leaders said Tuesday morning. A news conference to mark the occasion revealed that residents have fought for 20 years to have a traffic signal installed at the intersection. Accordingly, Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer praised the area’s city council representative, Mike Karbassi, for helping make the $1 million project a reality.

“Mike has been a bulldog on this issue, constantly pushing to get this signal light installed,” Dyer said. “It’s not just about enforcement and education; it’s about having the right infrastructure in place. This traffic signal is a crucial part of making Audubon Avenue safer and improving access to our beautiful San Joaquin River.

” Barry Bauer, who lives in the neighborhood, shared his perspective on the impact of the new signal. “This intersection has always been dangerous, especially for the hundreds of people living in the nearby apartments. We’ve been working diligently to get this signal installed as part of a larger effort to improve access to the river and slow down traffic.

It’s been a long time coming, but finally, we’ve made it happen.” Karbassi shared that he had heard from Bauer and others about the traffic signal’s importance as soon as he was sworn into office. Karbassi: ‘Proud We Got It Done’ “Five years ago, when I first walked int.