Stacey Nguyen Pop Culture It’s hard to deny that we’re living at the height of the digital age and human innovation. On the surface, everything can seem shiny, new, and exciting. But you’re not alone if you sense something off about society’s rapid growth.

There’s a term that captures this unsettling feeling buried beneath the promising veneer of progress: bubblegum dystopia. How does this concept weave into both pop culture reality? We’ve got the details ahead. The term “bubblegum dystopia” formally entered the discourse after writer Stephen Nothum posted a fantastic analysis of it on .

Since debuting in late July, Nothum’s video swiftly picked up momentum, garnering over 433,000 views. So, what is a bubblegum dystopia anyway? “A bubblegum dystopia is a dystopian future usually ruled by a totalitarian corporate entity, and this entity makes the world vibrant and convenient but hollow. The citizens are reduced to consumers as their main identity,” Nothum explains.

“And in a bubblegum dystopia, all of the citizens of this world believe that they are living in the best era of humanity.” Here’s the catch: If these citizens things, they would realize how empty their lives actually were. Nothum notes that he first came across the term when production designer David Warren casually mentioned it in a for the movie .

One of Warren’s friends described the satirical film as a “bubblegum dystopia,” which is a nod to the “pinks, oranges, and candy appl.