On August 7, media outlets reported that ‘s is being investigated by the police for operating an electric scooter after drinking. According to the police, Suga was found on the streets by himself on the night of August 6 after riding the electric scooter after drinking alcohol. Police patrolling nearby helped him and brought him to a nearby police station.

Suga apologized for the drunk driving controversy on . The apology is translated in full below. “Hello, this is Suga.

I’m feeling extremely heavy-hearted and sorry to have to come to you all over such a disappointing matter. I rode an electric scooter home last night, after having drinks with dinner. I thought it was a close distance, and I did not realize that you could not operate an electric scooter after drinking.

As such, I violated traffic rules. I parked in front of the main gates to my home, and I fell over by myself in that process. A police was nearby, and through the results of a breathalyzer test, my license was revoked and I paid a fine.

Although no one was hurt, neither was any property harmed in the matter, as this is inexcusably something I have to take responsibility for, I bow my head in apology to everyone. I apologize to those who were hurt by my irresponsible and wrong actions, and I will be even more careful with my actions to prevent such matters from occurring in the future.” — Suga However, netizens began to see differences between his apology and the statement made by the police.

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