Bryan Johnson, a millionaire tech entrepreneur and prominent figure in the longevity movement, faced an unexpected setback during his latest anti-ageing experiment, dubbed “Project Baby Face.” On November 14, Johnson shared a shocking close-up photo on Instagram! It showed a swollen and red face. Bryan shared that he got a side affect of the experimental procedure he did, which was intended to restore his lost facial volume.

The procedure involved injecting fat from a donor into his face, part of Johnson’s “Project Baby Face”—an attempt to counteract the gaunt appearance he developed after undergoing a strict calorie-restricted diet of 1,950 calories per day. Despite seeing improvements in his biomarkers, Johnson said his appearance had suffered, prompting the controversial intervention. But it took a dramatic turn only 30 minutes into the procedure, when he got an extreme allergic reaction.

“Immediately following the injections, my face began to blow up.and it just kept getting worse,” Johnson wrote, where the swelling became so severe that he couldn’t even see. By the end of seven days, the swelling had dissipated, and his face was normal again.

Still, Johnson did not let this experience deter him from what he believed would one day be possible for his team. This is not the first controversy created by his extreme anti-aging attempts. As part of his larger “Project Blueprint,” which encompasses a couple of blood transfusions from his teenage son, stric.