Earlier this month announced he was launching his own record label, Bad Records, and its first release would be a vinyl 7" single featuring two songs the Canadian star co-wrote for Kiss before he was an international star. The two songs, and , were written by Adams, songwriting partner Jim Vallance and Kiss bassist Gene Simmons in 1982 for Kiss's album, the year before his breakthrough album He's already released a – shot on the roof of London's iconic Royal Albert Hall – and now he's made one for . It couldn't be more different.

“I aimed to create something monumental for the video, and I’d been collaborating with CGI director Ben Ib on a peace-themed video entitled " says Adams "To contrast the peace message of that video, I proposed to Ben that we develop the video showcasing chaos and destruction. In the video, the tyrant that is leading the war ultimately faces consequences for his actions." Director Ben Ib has previously worked with the likes of (the album cover for and the video), (video for on tour) and (CGI for his Glastonbury show and the cover art for his 2013 album ).

. "I was thrilled to work with them [Kiss] back then," says Adams. "I was a broke songwriter, it came at the perfect time.

While sitting with the band, Gene played me this fantastic bass riff, which ended up being the backbone of . I was trying to think of a theme that could possibly match the riff and came up with the title, which was actually an homage to a comic book character." "Kiss’s .