Two brothers, Christian and RJ, recently embarked on an ambitious project by purchasing a fire-damaged 2016 650S Spider, the cheapest they found on the salvage market. Despite its non-running condition, they saw potential in the luxury sports car and decided to take a risk. Days after uploading a video of their new acquisition to YouTube, they received a surprising message from the car’s former owner, shedding light on its past.

The previous owner revealed that the had been parked in a home garage when a fire broke out, filling the garage with smoke and causing debris to fall on the car. Despite this, the owner managed to start the engine, finding that it ran and drove normally. He took the car to a McLaren dealership to assess the damage, where they declared it a potential write-off.

The dealership's evaluation concluded that the car needed a complete interior replacement, including the carbon and Alcantara seats, dashboard, and all plastics, costing around $70,000. Additionally, they suggested replacing the wheels and tires, which would add another $12,000 to $14,000, despite them being in perfect condition. Concerns over the integrity of the wiring and electronics due to smoke exposure led to recommendations for new wiring, hoses, and cables.

Furthermore, they believed the McLaren required a new rear quarter panel and paintwork. Given the estimated repair costs, the former owner faced a tough decision. Ultimately, after a two-year legal battle, he won the case, forcing t.