Subscribe to our FREE Newsletter , or Telegram and WhatsApp channels for the latest stories and updates. It has been said before but it must be said again; social media only shows the highlight of a person’s life and doesn’t tell the real story. If you’re feeling jealous of someone’s luxurious lifestyle, remind yourself that these people might actually be bankrupt or debt-ridden.

The Malaysian Department of Insolvency (MDI) recently revealed that around 50 Malaysian celebrities, including a popular singer with a Datuk title, who are viewed as part of the “wealthy artistes” category, are bankrupt . Among them include two well-known rock singers who are still active in the entertainment industry and several popular actors. MDI director-general Datuk M Bakri Abd Majid said some of them have been unwilling to cooperate in fulfilling the monthly contributions set after their cases came under the agency’s jurisdiction.

He said the artist’s reluctance to work with MDI to resolve their bankruptcy issue hindered the agency’s ability to assist them from being discharged from bankruptcy. And yet, these celebrities continue to flaunt their lavish lifestyles online, misleading followers who were unaware of what’s going on behind the scenes. via GIPHY M Bakri said these celebrities could have been discharged from bankruptcy, especially if their cases exceeded five years, but their lack of cooperation or complete failure to meet with MDI officers did not help their case.
