One in five adults will serve a selection of cured meats when eating al fresco according to research polling 2,000 people. While olives, paté and sushi are also among the more favoured food items now served at picnics. 2 Homemade picnic foods are also trending according to the study But it’s not just food that's glowing up, as cider, prosecco, and iced coffee are proving popular too.

It also emerged 11 per cent want to impress pals with posh picnics, while 29 per cent agreed classic picnic dishes are being shunned for modern alternatives. The study was commissioned by Aspall Cyder which has partnered with etiquette coach, Jo Bryant, to share tips on how to ‘picnic properly’ - marking the launch of its new Crisp Apple Cyder slimline can this summer. Jo Bryant said: “Whether you’re heading to a picture-perfect spot, on the beach or just popping out to relax in your back garden, here in Britain we love a good picnic.

“But this new research shows Brits are ‘poshing up’ their picnics this summer, swapping out some of the traditional food and drinks with other more artisan options and elevating the overall picnic experience for their guests.” Homemade picnic foods are also trending according to the study, with 22 per cent making their own sausage rolls , 17 per cent whipping up a coleslaw, and 29 per cent supplying home baked cakes. One in five will travel to a deli to grab supplies for their picnic arrangement, and 15 per cent will visit a local farm shop.
