How far are you from your dream life? Take our fun quiz to discover how much dough you'd need to land, whether that's from a lottery win, inheritance or a pay rise, to live your ideal life. Are you the type who craves luxury, with caviar by the infinity pool - or would you be content just paying off the mortgage on your current home? This comes as a study of 2,000 Brits reveals what they'd splurge on if money was no object. This includes splashing out on the priciest olive oil in the supermarket, indulging in branded ketchup, and filling their homes with fresh flowers.

Three out of 10 wouldn't spill the beans if they struck it rich - but that doesn't mean they wouldn't upgrade their lifestyle. It turns out 23% would ascend the supermarket hierarchy and start shopping at Waitrose or M&S . While 17% would book a weekly appointment with the hairdresser to keep themselves looking sharp.

A third wouldn't jet off privately - but would treat themselves to premium economy for their holidays. A spokesperson for Lottoland which conducted the research, said: "It might be hard to hide if you suddenly turn up to work in a Ferrari." "But anyone who's been on social media will have seen the humorous posts about how 'there will be signs' if they came into a windfall.

" "One thing's for sure, we know those fortunate enough to come into money will be clearing the shelves in M&S." Many Brits would quietly upgrade their lifestyles with cash windfalls, opting for premium subscriptions on streaming.