Four in ten adults will be taking a multigenerational holiday this year, according to research. And the poll of 2,000 holidaymakers found 51% have travelled with at least three generations in previous years. According to the study, 58% of people are looking forward to creating cherished memories from their holidays.

Meanwhile, 18% see it as an excellent chance for shared childcare, giving parents of young children some respite. However, 19% are opting for multi-generational travel to save money , with a third doing so to foster bonding within the family. Other motivations for such travel include pleasing grandparents (24%) and maximising time spent together (48%).

Matt Richardson, from John Lewis Money , which conducted the study, commented: "A holiday with multiple family generations is the perfect opportunity for bonding - strengthening relationships and creating memories with your wider family - as well as potentially sharing the childcare load while away." "It's crucial to plan the details in advance to keep everyone content, considering activities that everyone will enjoy, as well as ensuring you have local currency on hand to avoid any awkward bill or payment situations that may arise." The survey also revealed that 18% love the concept of a multi-generational holiday because more personalities make for a memorable trip and 17% believe it means they can stay in larger accommodation.

When it comes to paying for such a trip, 29% take turns covering the bills, and 28% have.