In a bid to educate the nation on water safety, Kärcher and the RNLI have launched an open access floating gallery to raise public awareness on how the lifesaving Float to Live technique can look different for each person, showcasing that everyone floats differently. The RNLI’s Float to Live campaign advises the public, if they find themselves in difficulty in the water, to tilt your head back with ears submerged, relax and try to control your breathing, use your hands to help stay afloat. Also depicted in the new image bank, the RNLI also highlights how It's OK if your legs sink as every body floats differently, and can involve people gently treading water to keep their airways clear of the water.

The bank of imagery captures everyday people of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds with the aim of improving access to Float to Live images across digital platforms with a refreshed view of what it actually looks like to safely float - challenging the myth that everyone floats motionless in a starfish shape. With almost a quarter of Brits admitting they’re unsure how to float, the gallery represents the many ways different body types stay buoyant. With 83% of Brits expected to visit the coast this summer it is vital that people learn this life saving skill, as over a third of the population say they don’t know what to do if they get into trouble in the water and 64% are unaware that it is advised to Float to Live when a difficult situation arises.

Captured on the shores of B.