As part of its 25th anniversary celebration, GMA Network’s acclaimed documentary program, “I-Witness,” gathered students from various schools for an insightful and inspiring talk session dubbed “i-25: The I-Witness Talks” last August 20 at the Blessed Frassati Auditorium of the University of Santo Tomas. “I-Witness” hosts Kara David, Howie Severino, Atom Araullo, Mav Gonzales, and John Consulta, inspired the audience by sharing their remarkable experiences as documentarists, giving the attendees helpful advice to help them as they move forward in their chosen path. Kara shared the fulfillment she feels writing her own scripts and reminded all the aspiring documentarists that they have the power in their hands because the stories they create are powerful.

She likewise imparted one of the lessons that has made a significant impact on her as a journalist: “Noong pumasok ako sa GMA, ang aking ama na nasa midya rin dati, may bilin sa’kin. Ang bilin niya sa’kin, ‘pag gagawa ka ng storya, ‘wag mong kalilimutan ito: You are not the story. You are the storyteller.

‘Wag mong gagawing ikaw ang bida. It’s never about you, it’s about the people you interview.” As a veteran journalist, Howie humbly narrated his early beginnings in the industry and inspired the students that they could all become documentarists in their own ways.

“Documenting is important. Documenting things is very fulfilling. I never stopped documenting, not just for television, but for f.