The reason why women’s health comes with a pinch of secrecy is something I will never understand. While men’s health comes with a brush of bravado that even while they are suffering, they still find a way to man up. Today the focus is to create more awareness on women’s health and break the stigma that hovers around women health.

Here are a major health complication that has to do with the biological make-up of women and their special needs. Menstrual Cycle: Mayoclinic defines menstrual cycle as the monthly series of changes the body goes through to prepare for pregnancy. Every month, one of the ovaries releases an egg.

This is called ovulation. When this egg is not fertilized during ovulation, the lining of the uterus sheds through the vagina. This is called menstrual period.

Many people will hardly say the word as though it is an abomination to say it; meanwhile, it is just a natural thing that the body goes through to keep if running smoothly. How easy it is for us to change the oil in our vehicles is exactly how easy it should be for anyone going through their menstrual period. Note that it is a time to show compassion and kindness even when you do not understand how it works.

Instead of the whole shush! shush! around menstrual period, it is time to talk about it and break the stigma. The pain of menstrual period is known as dysmenorrhea and ranges from lower pain levels to high pain levels. Menstrual cramps sets in after ovulation as sign that the released egg was .