SPECIAL DAY TURNS TO GRIEF – A beautiful bride passed away just hours after her wedding in Malasiqui, Pangasinan. What was meant to be the happiest day for Jenny and Jayson De Guzman, a couple from Malasiqui, Pangasinan, became one of unimaginable heartbreak. Jenny, who had been battling a brain tumor for some time, was confined to a hospital in Dagupan City for two weeks leading up to their wedding.

Despite her condition, the couple pushed through with the ceremony on September 6, 2024, fulfilling their dream of getting married. At 11 am that day, Jenny and Jayson exchanged their vows in a hospital room. Jayson, a soldier, had been by Jenny’s side throughout her battle with her illness.

Their love story began in 2016, and after two years of growing closer, they decided to live together in 2018. The couple’s relationship thrived on love and mutual care, filled with affection for each other. However, Jenny fell seriously ill.

Even as they planned their wedding, Jenny’s condition worsened. Yet, they held onto their dream of getting married, knowing how precious their time together was. Unfortunatrely, just a few hours after their wedding, Jenny passed away that same evening.

The incident brought deep sorrow to everyone who witnessed the couple’s special day, which had gone from a support joyous moment into grief. Jayson was left heartbroken by the sudden loss of his bride, turning what should have been the start of their new chapter into a time of mourning. “Sa tuwi.