I am not a breastfeeding advocate and I stand by it I am fully aware my stance is controversial. Sure I may get a lot of hate, but before you judge me, try and hear me out. Upon the birth of my first child, I was lucky enough to have a sufficient supply of milk.

The minute the doctor handed me Ben, he latched and fed. It was the perfect scenario. But as it went on, I remember being so tired.

I felt like crying whenever the nurse would hand me Ben (he needed to be fed every two hours). My C-section was hurting, I was uncomfortable, sleep deprived, and to be perfectly blunt—I just felt like a cow. READ : International Dog Day special: Stories celebrating our beloved furry friends At some point, I dreaded the feeding process.

I knew I had to think of a solution. So just a week after direct feeding, I bought a breast pump. Using it made me feel like a person again.

I was able to sleep longer and enjoy Ben more—not to mention, I also managed to join my friends for lunch without having to rush home or carrying the guilt that I was a careless mother leaving a hungry baby. But I’m just lucky I had milk without even trying. So when I hear people pushing new moms to breastfeed, I feel this urge to protect them from what some people think a good mom should be.

Truthfully, it has nothing to do with breastfeeding. It’s a choice. If you want to do it, go.

If you don’t, you’re not harming your child. The statement “breast milk is best for babies up to two years” is what I fi.