Use of breast pumps help extend the time a new mom breastfeeds by an average of 21 weeks A new study found 91% of mothers said they'd used the device Breast pumps might help close racial disparities in breastfeeding rates MONDAY, Aug. 5, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Women who use a breast pump to store milk for their infant tend to breastfeed 21 weeks longer, on average, compared to moms who don't use the devices, new research finds. Breast pumps have gained wide use among busy new moms: 91% of mothers responding to the Yale University researchers said they'd used one.

"This statistic demonstrates the near ubiquitous practice of pump use," said study lead author Dr. Deanna Nardella , a research fellow in the department of pediatrics at Yale School of Medicine. Breastfeeding is by far the most nutritionally complete feeding option for infants.

The American Academy of Pediatrics currently advocates for exclusive breastfeeding of infants for the first six months of life, with "continued breastfeeding, along with appropriate complementary foods introduced at about six months, as long as mutually desired by mother and child for 2 years or beyond." But as many new mothers know, work and other issues can make consistent breastfeeding difficult. Breast pumps help a nursing mom store her milk so it can be given to baby by herself, dad or another caregiver.

In the new study, researchers tallied breast pump use and breastfeeding duration for over 19,000 U.S. mothers.

Data was compiled betwe.