It has been a while since chama members invited me to their monthly meetings. I was therefore pleasantly surprised when I got a phone call from the chairperson to attend last week’s meeting. As you may already be aware, chama is a women’s only welfare group of which I am the only male member.

“We have called you here because we want you to talk about breasts,” said the chairperson in introducing the session. “Oh, that’s great! Breast cancer is a main killer, we need to talk about how to prevent it,” I interrupted. “No, no, no doctor, pay attention to what we are here for,” the chairperson said, looking at me sternly.

“It is about breasts as sex organs.” I reclined on my seat, my mouth agape, trying to figure out what this was all about. “Yes, tell us about breast orgasm,” shouted a member from the back bench.

“Yes, how can we stop the sagging,” shouted another member. “And we want breast implants to enlarge the sizes,” said the vice-chairperson who was seated next to me. I stood up and waved at the members to be orderly, thinking of how to structure the discussion.

Breasts indeed have many functions. We cannot discredit the nutritional function of the baby and women must breastfeed their babies exclusively for six months and then wean them as they continue to breastfeed until the baby is two years old. “We know that,” a member shouted amid laughter.

The other function is aesthetic. Breasts give women a figure and we have to appreciate the.