Imagine a world where the warmth of human connection fades, where cherished memories slip away like sand through an hourglass. This is the reality for millions living with Alzheimer's, a reality often compounded by the crushing weight of social isolation. This World Alzheimer's Day, we find ourselves at a crossroads.

Touted as one of the most unassuming threats to life, this brain disorder gradually destroys memory, thinking and a person's cognitive abilities, and is said to claim more lives than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. The growing prevalence of Alzheimer's disease casts a long and ominous shadow over our global community, affecting lives across continents and generations. And in the corners of our bustling world lurks a silent, forlorn entity responsible for accelerating this condition, loneliness.

Rohini Rajeev, Senior Psychotherapist & Founder, The Able Mind shares a new battlefront in the fight against Alzheimer. Imagine a world where the warmth of human connection fades, where cherished memories slip away like sand through an hourglass. This is the reality for millions living with Alzheimer's, a reality often compounded by the crushing weight of social isolation.

The Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI) paints a grim portrait: between 2017 and 2018, among adults aged 45 and older, 20.5% experienced moderate loneliness, while 13.3% grappled with severe loneliness.

These aren't just numbers; they're silent cries for connection, for understanding, f.