Wellness, as we know, is multidimensional and includes physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. It is also related to the feeling of being empowered to make our own decisions without any societal pressure and an area of women empowerment that is not often talked. It is important for a woman’s sense of wellbeing, including her reproductive or fertility health.

In fact, this area of fertility health needs urgent attention primarily for two reasons: Incidences of infertility is rising rapidly among couples because of late marriages and delayed childbearing Motherhood, even today, is so intricately intertwined to a woman’s holistic wellness. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Shanujeet Kaur, associate director – Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and fertility specialist at Cloudnine Group of Hospitals in Chandigarh, explained the journey to empower women on their fertility health - 1. Age and Fertility : It is important for women to know that they are born with a finite number of eggs that decline in both quantity and quality with age, particularly after the age of 35.

As women are delaying marriage and childbirth for various reasons, they may face challenges in conceiving naturally due to age-related fertility decline. Add to that is the myth that with in vitro fertilization (IVF) technique it is possible to become a mother at any age. This is not true.

The success rate of any fertility treatment including IVF, depends heavily on a woman’s age. Here comes the r.