The Houthis of Yemen are Iran's proxy against Saudi Arabia and Israel. They are most recently known as the terrorist group attacking shipping in the gulf . Today they were the recipients of a devastating retaliatory strike in response to the Yemeni drone attack on Israel which killed one and wounded ten.

. BREAKING: 2 days ago, the Houthis in Yemen carried out their first ever deadly drone attack against Israel. Now, Israel has answered with their first ever missile strikes against the Houthis.

The largest port of Yemen is now completely engulfed in flames. pic.twitter.

com/qajK442Sk9 Would you be surprised to learn that Biden Administration incompetence contributed to this situation? President Trump designated the Houthis a terrorist group , which "raised concern" with the UN because of course it did. So naturally, President Obama Biden made undoing it one of his early priorities. Looks like the strike is being cheered on by anti-Islamists, Israelis and others sick of the terrorism.

So we expect that Western university students and faculty will be condemning it any second now. Why do they always look like this? 🤔 pic.twitter.

com/SA5DgtQe3e For illustrative purposes only. Do not attempt this at home. Congratulations, humanity, including Muslims, Arabs, and the people of Yemen, on celebrating the bombing of Houthi terrorists.

#Israel 's response at Al-Hudaydah port is strong and resolute, defending its diverse citizens (Jews, Druze, Muslims, and Christians) in Tel Aviv, who...