Two Brant County, Ont. strangers have been brought together by tragedy. A pair of mothers are joining forces after both their children died as a result of drug overdoses.

Now they’re pushing for change so other families don’t have to deal with the same loss. Krista Cabral from Paris, Ont. lost her 33-year-old daughter Brittani Silvestre last year.

Silvestre got clean during her pregnancy, but later fell back into substance use. Although, she was in the process of getting better again. One day in September 2023, Cabral voiced concerns to her daughter’s counsellor.

“I’m angry with her for her choices, but I’m also terrified that one of these days the police are going to come to my door in the middle of the night and tell me that she’s gone. And that night, they were knocking on my door,” said Cabral, who is now raising her granddaughter. In Brantford, Ont.

just 10 weeks later, Bernice Liverance learned the same devastating news about her 33-year-old son, Kourie Liverance. “I thought ‘OK, maybe he’s sleeping. He just didn’t hear me.

’ As soon as I opened the door, I know,” said Bernice, after discovering her son died from a mixture of fentanyl and carfentanil. “The amounts that were in his system were just unreal.” Both Liverance and Cabral found each other through the grieving process, having gone through something so similar, so close together.

Opioid overdoses in Brantford-Brant They aren’t alone either, even in the County of Brant. The area�.