BOZEMAN, Mont. – As American Heart Month unfolds, doctors in Montana are emphasizing the importance of maintaining heart health. Bozeman Health’s cardiology clinic provides valuable resources to help residents manage and prevent heart disease.
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death for adults in the United States , according to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention ; but with proper intervention, it can be managed or even prevented. Dr. Sean Bell, a noninvasive cardiologist at Bozeman Health, shared insights on how individuals can take charge of their heart health.
"What I often counsel patients essentially is to say, ‘ hey, cardiac health follows you, sort of every step of every day. ’ And often it begins with establishing your heart healthy habits at home," Dr . Bell said.
Dr. Bell recommends 45 minutes of daily exercise as a crucial step in maintaining heart health. He also advises spending time cooking meals at home and limiting processed foods from boxes and cans.
In day-to-day life, it can be hard to find the time to work out. Finding small things like parking farther away in parking lots from where you need to go or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are a good place to start, Dr. Bell said.
Bozeman Health has a strong focus on cholesterol management and has established the first dedicated cholesterol clinic in the state. The clinic works with patients to develop diet and exercise plans and, if necessary, find the right medications. "W.