A SEVEN-year-old boy complained of itchy raised lines on his foot - which turned out to be worms inside him. The child developed the symptoms after playing barefoot on the sand with friends. 1 The child contracted the parasites after stepping on faeces from an infected animal which bore the larva Parasitic worms had burrowed beneath the boy's skin, leaving his left heel with the raised lines.

The child, from Namibia , contracted the parasites after stepping on faeces from an infected animal which bore the larva. According to the case study, published in Scientific Research , the child told doctors that the lines on his foot became more pronounced when he scratched them. Medics asked about the boy's home, and learned he was from the desnsely populated are of Rundu in Northeast Namibia , and had been playing barefoot in the sand.

Read more Health 'DEJA VU' My partner died after hospital stay 9 yrs after I lost my son in 'hell' facility WILLY WORRYING 7 reasons your penis is shrinking - and how to stop it before it’s too late They diagnosed him with cutaneous larva migrans. Hookworm eggs can be passed on through animal faeces, burrowing into human skin when stepped on. In 2018, a woman described the horror of feeling hookworms moving under her skin after contracting them on a Vietnam beach.

The unnamed victim revealed medication only made it worse, leaving her in agony as the parasites tried to flee her body to escape what was killing them. Most read in Health MIRACLE BABY I c.