A young boy was covered in bed bug bites after falling ill with vomiting and diarrhoea at a ''filthy'' five-star hotel in Cape Verde. Sonny Flemming has been left scarred from the bites suffered after being struck down with a gastric illness just two days into a week-long family holiday. He was given an EpiPen and antihistamines due to the severity of the reaction to the bites.

His mum, Natalie Hind, who also fell ill along with partner Nathan Smyth during the holiday from hell at the five star rated Riu Funana Hotel, said: "Our stay at this hotel was the worst experience of our lives." Natalie, 42, and Nathan, 38, headed to the luxury resort with Sonny, Natalie's son, for a week in May. But all three ended up poorly with Nathan, a self-employed welder, falling ill with symptoms around three days into their holiday.

Natalie fell ill with gastric symptoms, including stomach cramps, sickness and diarrhoea, and then experienced significant itching from bed bug bites. The couple, from Bradford , consulted their GP when they returned home and are still poorly two months on from the holiday and are awaiting test results. Natalie's doctor said her ongoing illness and joint pain could be a sign of continuing stomach infection.

They complained to hotel staff and the TUI rep during their stay and moved rooms three times - but each one was worse than the last, they said. They said food was often served uncovered, dirty utensils were frequently used and there were stray cats and cockroac.