Boss Fight Books is currently funding its seventh season of “documentary-style” books about video games , and as a nice surprise, the latest reveal will be very familiar to fans of Australian-made games. As announced, one of the upcoming books set to be published by Boss Fight is , by award-winning Australian writer and frequent contributor to , . O’Connor has a long history writing for and about video games, with his critical work charting and .

In his history-focussed exploration of , O’Connor will chart the development of the game “before the critical acclaim, the tweets from celebrities, the major awards, the memes, the fan art, and the legion of players” when it was simply a fun idea being developed by a group of friends based in Melbourne, Australia. “Through interviews with the creators and their co-conspirators, journalist and developer James O’Connor tells the story of how this indie megahit came to be, revealing how the team succeeded by evolving their friendship into an art practice, contributing to the wider Australian game development scene, trusting their own good taste, and never, ever naming their game,” the book’s description reads. Interview contributors include all four lead developers from House House – Nico Disseldorp, Jake Strasser, Michael McMaster, and Stuart Gillespie-Cook – as well as composer Dan Golding, artist Kalonica Quigley, programmer Cherie Davidson, and more.

O’Connor has expressed great excitement about publishing .