Borderlands: What You Need to Know About Pandora By Eli Roth’s movie brings the world of to the big screen, ComingSoon examines what to expect from the planet’s varied environments, factions, and the art of vault hunting. Anyone who has spent time in the video game version of Pandora will know just how deadly and surprising it can be. From its oddball and often violent population to the varied biomes and the aggressive creatures that inhabit them.

While the Borderlands movie obviously won’t go everywhere and show everyone we’ve come to know in the game franchise’s past 15 years, the big-screen adaptation is sure to have plenty of signature sights, sounds, and slaughter. Let’s look at some of those, shall we? Borderlands’ Pandora will be one of the movie’s biggest stars Pandora is a largely arid planet with many desert Badlands filled with beastly creatures. The Coyote/Hyena-esque Skags and giant Spiderants roam the wilderness, looking for a misguided adventurer or wannabe Vault Hunter to provide a meaty morsel.

With little to live on out in this area, outside the weapons market, Vault Hunting is the biggest source of action, dangerously fruitless as it can be. But what is Vault Hunting? Pandora features alien vaults hidden away across the planet. Each has its own glorious treasure, so you can imagine how competitive that gets in a place full of violent, bloodthirsty bounty hunters, adventurers, and the like.

It’s basically the building blocks of Pandora’s .