AN aftersun lotion that allegedly "burns like acid" and left children in floods of tears has been pulled from shelves in Boots. The high street retailer said it had taken customer complaints seriously and immediately withdrawn its Soltan Soothe & Cool Crackling Aftersun Mousse from sale. The product, which "crackles on application", is advertised as "instantly cooling and refreshing" while "delivering deep hydration and gentle nourishment, making your skin feel soft, soothed and revived".

But it has received 65 one-star reviews online saying that it does the total opposite, with many warning others to steer clear. The most recent says: "Do not buy this. It burns.

"I applied it to both my children thinking it would be lovely and cool and as soon as I put it on it didn't crackle, it sizzled. READ MORE ON SUN HEALTH "They were both screaming that it was burning so I had to quickly wash it off." Another person wrote: "I bought this recently, used it today, and it was nice and cool and refreshing upon application.

"But after around 30 seconds it began to burn. Within 60 seconds I was in agony and had to use cold flannels to remove it and soothe the skin it had irritated." And a third said: "Omg, it’s like your skin is on fire.

I thought my boyfriend was exaggerating, until I applied it to myself." Most read in Health Others described the burning as "excruciating" and "like pouring acid on your skin", adding that their kids were also left "screaming in pain". It also feels like ".