Thursday, August 29, 2024 Cyprus launches a National Strategy to enhance cruise tourism, aiming to position itself as a premier cruise destination in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Cypriot Government, recognizing the pivotal role cruise tourism plays in the country’s economic development, has initiated a public consultation to formulate a comprehensive National Strategy for Cruise Tourism. This initiative is part of a broader effort to enhance Cyprus’s tourism offerings, positioning it as a premier and favored cruise destination in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The National Strategy for Cruise Tourism seeks to establish a holistic and sustainable framework for managing and promoting the cruise sector. The ultimate vision is to elevate Cyprus as a leading cruise destination in the region. This strategy focuses on optimizing cruise-related infrastructure, refining processes and services, and enhancing the country’s overall tourism appeal.

The public consultation, running until September 6, 2024, invites stakeholders to contribute to shaping the strategy. Their insights and recommendations will help craft a strategy that aligns with the sector’s needs and promotes the sustainable growth of cruise tourism in Cyprus. Following the consultation, an assessment of the current landscape will begin, scheduled for completion by February 2025.

The comprehensive action plan is expected to be finalized by June 2025, setting the stage for achieving the National Strategy’s goals. The .