My grandmother was...

how do I put this politely? — problematic. I did not know this when she was alive. She was well into her 70s when I was born and lived two hours north of Pittsburgh on a small farm, and when she died in 1970 I can truthfully say I barely knew her.

I knew about her — there were definitely family stories, including one about how she basically saved herself and her sister from an oncoming train when their pony trap balked halfway across the tracks — but Grandma was not the cuddly, bosomy granny of song and story who bakes cookies, squeezes fresh lemons into refreshing summer drinks, and spoils her grandbabies rotten. She was bosomy enough (having eight kids will do that to you) but the cook/baker in my family was my mother, period, and that included holiday meals that took place at Grandma’s table. As for spoiling her grandbabies.

..if she indulged either me or my cousin, I sure don’t remember it.

I was mostly left to my own devices whenever we’d visit, which meant I’d hang out in the living room or the old parlor/TV room while Mum, Betty, and Grandma talked about adult things in the kitchen and my uncles either did farm chores or read the newspaper. She didn’t knit, she didn’t sew, she didn’t quilt, and I had no idea that she was supposed to pass on recipes, give me lessons in handicrafts, or tell me stories about The Good Old Days until I was tell into my teens and encountered other people’s grannies who did just that. Honestly, as far.