Thursday, August 22, 2024 Indian Gen Z travelers in 2024 are redefining travel with AI-driven planning, budget-conscious choices, and a focus on unique experiences, reveals . India’s Generation Z is reshaping the travel scene today.

Those born from 1995 to 2010 regard traveling as an essential part of their lifestyle, with 83% feeling their most authentic selves while on the move. They seek culturally rich, immersive, and novel experiences and value flexible travel options. Whether it involves traveling with peers, embarking on solo adventures, or discovering various budget-friendly lodging options, Booking.

com, a global leader in online travel services, unveils the trends and insights that are influencing the travel behaviors of this pivotal generation in 2024. Embracing Cutting-Edge Technology for Effortless Travel Generation Z integrates technology into every aspect of their journeys—from relying on AI to design their travel plans before departure, to seeking technological conveniences in accommodations, to using digital means to preserve vacation memories post-trip. 68% of Indian Gen Z are quite at ease with enhancing their tech usage to craft memorable travel experiences.

68% would rely on AI to suggest destinations that are hidden gems rather than typical tourist spots. 73% would utilize an AI-driven trip planner to organize their travel schedules. 76% of Gen Z travelers seek out tech features and services such as AI integration or robotic assistance in .